With this rapidly changing environment you maybe wondering what they are talking about with telehealth.
Telehealth is an online service which allows you to have an instant face to face consultation with your physiotherapist or other health care provider, allowing for assessment, treatment progression, exercise prescription and education. At Hibiscus Neuro Rehab we will be using a platform called “ZOOM” to deliver our Video telehealth services. Zoom uses video/ audio conferencing via a computer or mobile device to allow for a meeting to take place. Some people also use the telephone which is also classed as telehealth. All sessions can be recorded for your convenience, allowing you as the client to have access to the information shared in the session. You will be able to review any instructions and demonstrations of your exercises. All information recorded will be protected and kept confidential. Telehealth as way of delivering rehabilitation services has been growing over the last couple of years and is well established within the healthcare community. Telehealth is a reliable way of providing effective therapy, with positive health outcomes and high patient satisfaction. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. Sarah on 09 424 3254 or [email protected]. Comments are closed.
July 2023