Getting a good nights sleep is so important to our overall health and prioritising it is vital.
Here is a summary of what can be affected when we are sleep deprived. - Memory consolidation is impaired, - you wont store all the new memories you have made in a day. - Increase your risk for dementia and Alzheimer's - Deep sleep helps clear out a toxin protein in the brain called Beta Amaloid, which has an impact on developing Alzheimer's disease. - Reproductive system in men is affected - Levels of testosterone drop when we are sleep deprived. - Your immune system is compromised - Not only will this affect your risk of getting sick, from everyday colds and flu, being sleep deprived means you are at a potential risk of developing cancer. - Risk of stroke and heart attack increase - Sleep helps lower our blood pressure, and when we are sleep deprived our blood pressure can increase, which increases our risk of cardiovascular disease. - Increased risk of depression and anxiety - deep sleep helps quieten down the sympathetic nervous system which our fight, flight or freeze system. When we are sleep deprived our Amygdala our emotional centre is 60% more reactive than when we have had the recommended 7-9 hours good quality sleep per night. Increased risk of obesity - Sleep affects our hunger hormones when we are sleep deprived our body increases the hormone Ghrelin (our hunger hormone) and decreases the hormone Leptin ( our satiety hormone) meaning we eat more. Obesity can lead to further complications with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For more information and an info-graphic view: Check out this great video on how sleep impacts your brain and body here |
July 2023