LSVT BIG is an exercise therapy program designed for people with Parkinson's disease.
It is an intensive treatment program delivered by specifically trained physiotherapist or occupational therapist over a one month period with a total of 16 one hour sessions. The training specifically focuses on increasing amplitude of movement “bigness” to enhance overall mobility and function. It is based on the principles of LSVT Loud a speech therapy technique for Parkinsons disease. LSVT BIG is designed to be prescribed to patients at initial diagnosis is research is showing lifestyle modification and exercise has a huge impact on quality-of-life but it is never too late to start exercising and should be a priority for all patients. Starting therapy early is viatally important to patients with Parkinson’s disease as this gives the best chance of maintaining function and neuroprotection. If you would like further information or an assessment to see if LSVT BIG is suitable for you contact Sarah on 09 424 3254 or 0221270098. You can also email [email protected] Further information is also avaliable at LSVT GLobal and LSVT New Zealand s Current research is showing that by using vigorous exercise you can potentially slow the progression of your Parkinson’s disease. Medical intervention at present can only help with alleviating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
It has long been known that exercises is important for health, it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, helps mood and sleep and is now even shown to improve memory. However often when we get diagnosed with a Neurological condition we tend to neglect our other systems and often, we start to become inactive and inactivity can be just as damaging as your diagnosed neurological condition. It is important that you are prioritising exercises as it is just as important as taking your medication for your health now and in the future. Anyone can exercise anywhere anyhow. So how can exercise help with Parkinson’s The Parkinsons KinetiGraph wristband is an exciting invention by Australian company Global Kinetics. The wristband is be worn by patients as a tool for doctors to measure movements experienced by patients allowing for what could be more presice prescribing of medications.
Read full article here Global Kinetics website |
July 2023