It can get tougher in these colder months to keep going. Or perhaps you are wanting to start working towards a goal, but know that you find it tough staying motivated or don't know where to begin.
Here are 9 tips to consider when starting a new journey, be it in exercise, nutrition or something completely different. 1. Knowing your 'why': Knowing WHY you started this journey and WHY you are doing it can help keep you in check and keep you motivated to carry on when it gets tough. What is your WHY? 2. Start small: When working on a life long change, start with small, achievable changes so that you are less likely to give up and you can stay motivated as you achieve these tasks. 3. Set a date: Giving yourself a realistic deadline to achieve goals can motivate you to get working and not give up! You will feel accomplished when you achieve this goal by this date. 4. Checklist: These are GREAT for 2 reasons:
6. Find a mentor: Finding someone who is knowledgeable in the field that you are interested in and working towards can help ensure your goals are realistic and provide you with insight into how to achieve your goals safely and efficiently. 7. Find a routine: Once you know what your goals are and know your WHY, setting up a consistent routine every day or week will help your mind and body adjust to these changes. Consistency is key. 8. Be around the right people: Surround yourself with people who will support you and motivate you to keep going. Choosing who you give your energy to will have a huge impact on your end goal and motivation levels. 9. Celebrate all wins: No matter how big or small, celebrate EVERY win. Acknowledge these wins and be proud of the progress you have made. Remember these wins and use this as fuel for your motivation! Let us know if you have tried any of these tips, and how have they worked for you? LSVT BIG is an exercise therapy program designed for people with Parkinson's disease.
It is an intensive treatment program delivered by specifically trained physiotherapist or occupational therapist over a one month period with a total of 16 one hour sessions. The training specifically focuses on increasing amplitude of movement “bigness” to enhance overall mobility and function. It is based on the principles of LSVT Loud a speech therapy technique for Parkinsons disease. LSVT BIG is designed to be prescribed to patients at initial diagnosis is research is showing lifestyle modification and exercise has a huge impact on quality-of-life but it is never too late to start exercising and should be a priority for all patients. Starting therapy early is viatally important to patients with Parkinson’s disease as this gives the best chance of maintaining function and neuroprotection. If you would like further information or an assessment to see if LSVT BIG is suitable for you contact Sarah on 09 424 3254 or 0221270098. You can also email [email protected] Further information is also avaliable at LSVT GLobal and LSVT New Zealand s |
July 2023