A lot of us have had to spend a lot of time away from our normal exercise routines this year, including not getting to the gym to work on our muscle strength. Having just got back into the groove of getting those muscle pumping again, we are now in the throes of the holiday season and those muscles might be back on holiday mode again.
It's not all bad news though! Time away from the gym is not as detrimental to your muscles as you may think. This is because we have muscle memory!! This is our bodies ability to regain muscle strength again, quite quickly (!!) when we get back into the gym, and this occurs a lot faster than it took to initially gain the strength in the first place. When we lift weights our brain creates neural pathways, laying down a memory of this task. The muscle cells themselves develop genetic markers from the lifting to help muscle growth at a later time. So you have already laid down the foundations. When we return to lifting weights after time off, the brain dives into these saved muscle memories, instead of having to create new pathways. This helps the brain to more readily recruit and stimulate muscles and get them back into strength mode more quickly. So if you are having time off over the silly season, enjoy it, your amazing body has everything it needs to build those muscle back up again when you give it 100% in the new year Comments are closed.
July 2023