Nordic walking is fitness activity that incorporates the whole body, by using your arms and trunk as well as your legs. Turning your everyday walking in to a fun whole body fitness activity. Nordic walking is a beneficial activity for a broad range of people, and great rehabilitation tool for those with a Neurological conditions.
Nordic walking is an intensification of normal walking using specially designed lightweight poles. To gain the maximum potential benefit of Nordic walking it is best to get taught the correct technique by a qualified Nordic walking instructor using the correct equipment. Benefits of Nordic walking - Increased Calorie expenditure - Burn more calories quicker, Nordic walking burns 400 calories/hour compared to 280 calories/hour for normal walking. - Decreased stress on joints - the use of poles can reduce tension and pain in shoulder and neck region especially when associated with overuse. They also help Reduce the load on knees and other joints. - Improved posture - Use of the poles improves weight distribution during walking, and improves gait technique by using 90 % of muscles in the body. Nordic walking offers functional strengthening of weakened muscles. - Lower perceived exertion - You can work harder for longer without feeling exhausted as you are utilising more of the body's musculature to propel you. - Improved balance - The poles provide two further points of balance. - Improved co-ordination - Using both right and left side of the brain. - Improved mood - Exercises has been shown to improve mood and aid depression it is felt that Nordic walking may enhance this effect as it is a new and novel way to exercises. Comments are closed.
July 2023